Aussie Tech Heads

Aussie Tech Heads - Episode 531 - 27/04/2017



JB Hi Fi concedes most reputable company titleMicrosoft Australia smacks reseller with $1 million fine for software piracyMalware disguised as flashlight app steals passwords from Android usersComputer pioneer Harry Huskey dies aged 101Galaxy S8 battery includes 'no dogs' warning labelwebroot bricks windows pcs after flagging system files as malware 459511microsoft splits win10 security software updates 459558samsung to put galaxy note 7 back on sale within weeks featuring a new battery and lower priceif youre a smartphone junkie this iphone case rations your screen timemobile phones/iphone users warned of ios 10 bug that is locking phones with just a random threefingered touch/news storybillionaire paul allen pledges 30m toward permanent housing for seattles homeless/