Aussie Tech Heads

Aussie Tech Heads - Episode 512 - 01/12/2016



ACCC takes reseller MSY Technology to court over misrepresentation of consumer rightsAmazon Web Services' will migrate 100PB with a truckTelstra says goodbye to 2GGoogle to set up Sydney threat detection teamAustralian banks told to build APIs to share data by 2018Facebook tries to keep us using Messenger by introducing new games, including arcade classicsCards Against Humanity’s Black Friday pointless crowdfunding sees people put $100,000 down holeiPhone update leaves users furious due to battery drain issueApple Glass: what the company needs to get right to make smart eyewear succeedCurved iPhone on the cards for next year, says reportACCC’s draft decision on Apple Pay case rejects banks claim for NFC access and collective bargaining