Aussie Tech Heads

Aussie Tech Heads - Episode 482 - 07/04/2016



Cloud POS vendor Square adds 490 Australian resellers Reward for dobbing in pirates quadruples to $20,000 Sydney school bans laptops: labels them 'scandalous waste of money' Bitdefender's free tool protects against TeslaCrypt, Locky, CTB-Locker ransomware FBI agrees to unlock another iPhone in homicide case Hackers charge big bucks for stolen Aussie creds Telstra customers hammer network on free data day Kodak launches new Super 8 camera US Army hopes to outfit soldiers with tiny drones by 2018 NASA's use of HoloLens puts you on Mars with Buzz Aldrin Apple Admits To Serious iOS 9.3.1 Problem Will Apple's FBI Tussle Take a Bite Out of the Brand? Tesla steals the show with the Model 3