The Digital Sport Insider

83: Matt Riches, Commercial Director EMEA at Tough Mudder



Matt is a recent member to the Tough Mudder crew, joining the company in November last year after a period working agency side for one of their sponsors, Lucozade.  Our paths crossed a few years ago when we were both at Carat, but he stayed on until 2014 when he joined PRISM and then CSM Sport & Entertainment. Then taking the leap to rights holder side for the first time. He explains more about the Tough Mudder journey since its inception in 2010, how they've used digital platforms to become a global lifestyle brand, their deal with Facebook's new Watch platform as well as touching one our key topics of VR and esports. If you enjoy this interview then check out previous ones, subscribe so you don't miss out on future ones… and maybe even leave us a rating or review. Something that helps others find us on iTunes, etc.