Wake Up Bainbridge

261 - The Bell Has Rung | Final Council Meeting



Episode 261 - The Bell Has Rung | Final Council Meeting, Town Hall on Teen Suicide and #ShelterNowBainbridge. Full Recap of last City Council meeting of the year with farewell addresses from Sarah Blossom and Ron Peltier and with parting gifts from the Council and Proper Fish. Thanks to Sal DeRosalia will coming up with the idea and making the delivery right to the dias and Harvey Wolff of Proper Fish for caring about the community.Tonight the Bainbridge Island Masonic Center is hosting a Town Hall to stop teenage homelessness with representatives from Helpline House, Lee Moniz, Steve Rabago, Paul A. Brisson and Bryan Collins a Host Homes Supervisor to immediately act to eradicate teenage homelessness on the Island NOW! Solutions will be presented. https://www.facebook.com/events/668570030216976Broadcasting from The Pavilion is outstanding and we see lots of stuff is going and we look to be a part of it!Episode 261 is brought to you by Outcome Athletics home of the best personal trainer on Bainbridge Island,