Thich Nhat Hanh Dharma Talks

What is Emptiness?



Originally given in Vietnamese, available from Lang Mai, the talk from Plum Village is dated Thursday, January 16, 2014 and is the eighteenth talk of the 2013-2014 Winter Retreat. English translation, available below, is by Sr. Tue Nghiem.  In this talk we learn about emptiness along with the continued theme of the winter retreat on consciousness, perception, and manas. 0:00-19:56 What is Emptiness? 19:56-30:40 Science and Consciousness 30:40-42:30 Suffering and Happiness 42:32-56:58 Mode of Perception 56:58-1:13:50 Manas 1:13:50-1:25:10 Subject and Object of Consciousness Today we chanted the heart sutra. The most important word in this chant is emptiness; sometimes mistaken for nothingness. Emptiness is Sunyata in Sanskrit. Being as the opposite of non-being. Emptiness has no opposite. Right View is one of the elements of the noble eightfold path. The highest view of right view is to transcend the idea of being and non-being. These are two extremes and just notions that don't describe reality. Right view