Mind Revolution

Rising Above The Need to be Right



Are you finding yourself being more social this time of year? Seeing extended family you haven’t seen in a while? Going to holiday parties and get-togethers? Once the small talk is over, we sometimes find ourselves in conversations that can get...tense. You know the ones I’m talking about. It happens to some of us more than others. Too many of us find our self-worth in being right. This compels us to share what we know and, when we get resistance or pushback, we get defensive, tend to dig in our heels, and stand our ground. We might even get loud and monopolize the air space as we try to convince others of our line of thinking.  If we can become self-aware enough, we’ll realize that our pulse is elevated, our breathing is more quick, more shallow, and the adrenaline is flowing. We’re in that fight-flight mode. When that happens, the prefrontal cortex, the logical part of the brain, has taken a backseat to the more primitive part of the brain. Reason goes out the window. We’re in full-blown defensive mode, whi