Mind Revolution

A Shift-Making Goal-Getting Workshop



We’re approaching a new year -- a new decade! -- and it’s not too early to start making plans and setting goals. In fact, I like to start this process in October so that, by January, my goals have incubated, and I’m raring to go when the new year hits. But don’t let the timing of things throw you off. You might be on a different cycle. If you like to plan your goals at the beginning of spring or before the school year -- totally fine. This material is here when it’s the right time for you. Start by sizing up the last year.  How did it go for you? Did it meet your expectations? Did you get out of your comfort zone? Did you play a bigger game? Did you embrace what you want? Take time to think about these things and write down your answers. What worked? What didn’t work? Where can you improve? What resources did you add to your toolbox? What did you learn? What role did you play in both your successes and your setbacks? What people made a positive impact on your life? What do they have that you want to develop