Creative Real Estate Podcast

AAA273 Understanding Land Banking and Recognizing the Risks - Marcella Silva



In this episode, you will learn: What Land Banking is How to identify the path of growth How to build your own land portfolio How to use your self-directed IRA to fund your investments How to understand where to invest What constitutes a high growth area How to recognize the seven economic trends that determines a high growth area How to understand infrastructure growth How to get quality marketable land How to understand the risks of purchasing land How to do due-diligence when buying land The 16 methods of comprehensive analysis The 3 Mile radius rule of existing and new developments The 10 key indicators locating a high growth The importance of pre-developed areas, existing infrastructure and accessibility The importance of industrial, commercial and residential areas with growth-friendly politics And so much more! You can connect with Marcella at: 925-337-2513 Raising Money Summit use promo code "PODCAST" to save money on your ticket. Sponsor: Think Multifamily (htt