Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged Podcast

Episode 16: Connecting With Your Emotions Through The Art Of Dance



I, Natasha Lalwani, welcome you back to my podcast show, Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged where I discuss mental and emotional healthAs mentioned in the previous episode, I have created a dance therapy called E-Motion to validate and release all the emotions from within through holistic dance movementsYou might be wondering how exactly does dance affect our mental state and emotions as well as the body. So today I will explain how powerful dance is in bringing our emotions to the surface and accepting themAnd in the next episode I will cover up an in-depth analysis of how our bodies retain our energies/vibrations and which emotion affects which organ of our bodiesWe all know that there are unlimited forms of dance and the moment one begins to delve into any form, he/she automatically makes it a daily or weekly habit. The reason behind this is that dance makes us express ourselves without allowing anyone to judge us; hence it is literally letting yourself free from all your problems and responsibilitiesDance elev