
Moons Over Your Hammy



http://whogottheaux.com Welcome back to WGTA!! Subscribe, leave a comment and Rate!! What's good what's good. First off Happy Birthday to the late great Mac Miller. We have to kill the matureness next episode haha. The guys talk about Lil Jon breaking ground on his 2nd school in Ghana. Akon gets approved to star his city. Are we here for the Kim K and Epstein Docs? IG finding more ways to expose people. Recap on Bad Boys 3 (non spoiler) Joe Biden trying to put money where is mouth is. Big companies like Ralph Lauren or Gucci purposely doing dumb shit for publicity? All that and more. Thank to T.Royyy and Corin for this week listeners choice.Hope you enjoyed this episode and again don't forget to subscribe to receive notifications on new episodes and give us a rating to help build the show. Also leave a comment with song suggestions or anything you want.