Mind Revolution

The Power of Saying No



For the last couple of weeks we’ve been talking about decluttering our physical and mental spaces. Today we’re continuing that discussion, especially as it relates to carving out time and space for you -- for your goals, for your dreams, for your growth to become the person you want to be. After all, if you don’t plan your time and decide what you’re going to focus on, chances are someone else will do it for you. There was a time when that was okay. That’s what all good adults do for the children in their care. They plan their time. They tell them what not to do, what to do, how and when to do it.  The result is that we get accustomed to complying to the wishes of others, to saying yes, even when we think we know better. And let’s be honest, when you were a kid, you probably didn’t know better, and you learned that things went better for you when you just did what you were told. But now you’re an adult. And you know you better than anyone else. It no longer makes sense to say yes when it’s better for you to s
