What The 'beep' Do You Know About Learning English?

Episode 5: The F-Word



Sign up for my weekly English learning newsletter “The Sledgehammer” and get my free book about online English study tools. #englishriot #englishunmasked #whatbeepdoyouknowaboutlearningenglish #learnenglish Welcome to the fifth episode of What the 'Beep' do you know about learning English? This podcast is for intermediate to advanced learners of English. Some teachers might find it interesting too. The podcast aims to provide different perspectives on learning English and at the same time develop our listeners' language skills. Matthew W. Turner’s has taught in the UK and Japan since 2008, and currently works in a university international tourism faculty in central Tokyo. Matthew is co-author of the book - Podcasting and Professional Development: A guide for English Language Teachers. His research interests include reflective practice, continuing professional development, and special educational needs support. Matthew is also co-creator of The TEFLology Podcast, and coordinator of the Japan Association for La
