Career Crashers

24 - Speed Kills: Morgan Von Gunten on How Moving Fast Sets You Apart While Job Hunting



Each and every member of the Crash team has a cool story about crashing their career. This week, we hear from our editor and content manager Morgan Von Gunten on how she took the unconventional path to education and won her role on the Crash team.  Learn more about Morgan on her site In this episode:  - How Morgan won her opportunity with Crash - Why Morgan chose a startup apprenticeship program instead of going to college - Isaac's perspective on why Morgan stood out from other candidates - Why speed matters when you're on the job hunt - How Morgan quickly created a pitch for her role with Crash, even though she didn't know a lot about the role  - Morgan's advice for young people that are interested in working in marketing  - Why writing publicly is one of the most valuable things you can do We also want to hear your story. If you've created an opportunity and found a career that makes you feel alive, send it to Isaac [at] For more resources on creating a g