Vegan Tourguide

VTG_015 Francesca and Paying It Forward



Francesca joins us on this episode of Plant-Based TourGuide and she brings great positive energy and a great story that so many people can relate to and learn from.  She "puts it out there" about her life starting at an early age with medications and how those medications affected her and her journey to reclaim her true self.  She started researching (you'll tell from the podcast that she has self-taught herself a LOT of knowledge) and through this researching, she found the ways to reverse her ailments and in turn continues to pay it forward to others in conversation and also via her Blog at: and you can find her on Instagram: @YoungBrokeAndGlutenFree.  You'll love her story and not to mention you'll find out the story behind "Lil Avocado".