Wake Up Bainbridge

307 | Hannah Myrick Talks Post Prison Education Programs | Wake Up Bainbridge



News correspondent Sal DeRosalia spoke with local Bainbridge Island resident, Hannah Myrick about her connection to the Post Prison Education Program, what it's doing and how we all can help.  Hannah Myrick is a local journalist who has worked for a variety of community based newspapers in the Seattle area. She’s currently working for the Post Prison Education Program to tell stories that have the power to destigmatize the prison population. An example of her work can be seen in a recent interview Hannah conducted with the National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women, a national resource and advocacy center founded with the purpose “to work for justice for victims of battering charged with crimes where a history of abuse is relevant to their legal claim or defense.”Intervew Link:https://postprisonedu.org/2020/02/17/qa-with-the-national-clearinghouse-for-the-defense-of-battered-women/?fbclid=IwAR27giQn34cNV7CuPEtxW0StrsL3dto20uj_hVl90b7DNs6LIa_NZ0Ka7T0 A quote from Hannah's Facebook page which expl