Wake Up Bainbridge

317 | Bainbridge Island Doctor Richard Saint Cyr | What You CAN Do | Wake Up Bainbridge



317 | 15 Minutes with Bainbridge Island Doctor Richard Saint Cyr | What You CAN Do | Wake Up BainbridgeDoctor Richard Saint Cyr is the author of the now viral (in a good way) blog post that lit up social media last week. In "Here's how to REALLY fight off Coronavirus" , Dr. Saint Cyr looks to focus his efforts on what we can do as compared to focusing on what we can't.We discuss the true value of eating healthy foods, sleeping and making sure your immune system is up for the task of fighting off a virus. It may seem like common sense but these actions are far from what most people do on a regular basis.Dr. Saint Cyr gives us all some great advice to consider as we try to social distance yet keep our community intact.Wake Up Bainbridge wants to thank Dr. Saint Cyr and all of the other health care providers, first responders and boots on the ground out there putting their life on the line to save ours.Episode 317 is brought to you by the Virtual Gym at Outcome Athletics where we now offer Live Streaming Classes