Wake Up Bainbridge

310 | Late Night With Houston Wade | On COVID-19 And What Happens Next



Wake Up Bainbridge! Show co-host Richard Davis has a late-night conversation with Houston Wade who has been on the COVID-19 case since Day One. He has crunched numbers, reported news and pulled together an array of information which he has passed along to his following. Blank is getting real and you will find this an A-Z of what is happening now and what is likely to happen. As COVID-19 continues it's exponential march of disaster, I have questions. As a member of the target market for infection and at the epicenter of the infection in the US, I want to know. What is it? Where did it come from? What's happening in China? Singapore? Italy? Why can't we get our heads around the NUMBERS?  Houston has read enormously, followed moment to moment and been talking about it online since December. Most importantly, he is smart and fun to talk to. Listen here for the complete rundown.