Love Is Medicine

092: The Positive Power Of The Community Cure w/ James Maskell



Did you know that some researchers believe that loneliness is worse for you than smoking? James Maskell is the creator of the Functional Forum, the world’s largest functional medicine conference, and is here today to talk about the power of community and why he is passionate about finding a cure for loneliness. Loneliness and a lack of community can be linked to multiple lifestyle-driven chronic diseases, and James wants to create a new standard of social connections to help others relieve pain and reverse disease. Re-engaging people into a social community is a necessary medical intervention, and James works to help bring people together around a shared intention of health creation to create the functional medicine approach of the future.  Everything from ways for creating a connection while dealing with an auto-immune disease to the importance of community when going through pregnancy is on the table today as we discuss this exciting evolution of functional medicine and bringing healthcare to the masses.  I