Happiness Injection With Shonette Bason

This Too Shall Pass



Here's an extra dose of your Happiness Injection because let's be honest we all need one right now!At the time of recording the world is dealing with a pandemic. In many countries, including the UK people have been told to stay at home.Obviously this is causing a lot of worry for a lot of people.Including Shonette.But she's here to help you get through this in the same way she is getting through it.If you want to show Shonette some love you can get in touch with her on Instagram @basonshonette facebook https://www.facebook.com/SpreadTheHappinessPage/ and her website https://www.shonettebasonwood.com/Music used under creative commons license. Why oh you are L O V E by Dancefloor is Lava. For information regarding your data privacy, visit Acast.com/privacy