Property Podcast

Huge 17-Lot Property Project with David Glover



And we're back with David Glover, successful property investor and owner of the buyer's agency Bluegum Property. In this episode of Property Investory, we will be delving into the property project David has been working on this year involving 17 adjoining titles or lots, call option contracts and conversations with the council, which has the potential to develop into a TAFE-like facility and community. He takes us through the steps he has taken so far in trying to complete this very large project. Join us as we find out with projects like these where the money is made and what a call option is and how it can help someone purchase property in the future within a set time frame and price.Also, we'll be chatting about how David Glover flipped a property despite untoward circumstances and made hundreds of thousand of dollars as a result, the projects he worked on prior to the larger ones he is doing now, the best advice he received on his property journey, the habits that have contributed to his success and much