"verse Of The Day" Ministry Podcast

Bible in a Year Segment 68- Day 68- 3/8/20



I think I forgot to mention HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND ANNIVERSARY TO ANYONE WITH A BIRTHDAY OR ANNIVERSARY TODAY...AND I PRAY YOU MANY MORE TO COME IN JESUS NAME. Bible in a Year Segment 68 will feature the Book and Chapters we need to read on our sixty eighth day. We will be reading the bible in its entirety by the end of the year and any additional commentary pertinent to our journey for today is included as well. Reference: biblestudytools.com chronological order DOUBLE PORTION MARCH GIVING- Give to the RedCross for the Earthquakes in Puerto Rico ( button on my linktree),MambaOnThree.org ( organized by Kobes family for the victims families of the helicopter crash)and the enduringword.com will be the organizations we will focus on for March. Click on the link or copy and paste the link address for the linktree charity info> linktr.ee/wandasncredible. References: https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/numbers-31/ https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/numbers-32/ To be a blessing to the ministry in anyway