Career Crashers

26 - Embracing Your Interests and Becoming Multi-Dimensional with Ben Mercer



Ben Mercer is a former professional rugby player who's career took him all over the UK and France. After years playing the sport he grew up loving at a professional level he began to realize that it was time for him to make the leap to the next stage in his career. He retired from rugby, leaned into his writing and other interests, and set out to crash an entirely new career.    This week on Career Crashers Isaac and Ben talk about the journey to and through professional rugby, explore why being a generalist is important, and talk about Ben's book and career.    Read Ben's book Fringes: Life on the Edge of Professional Rugby (    In this episode:   - How did Ben get to the point of playing rugby professionally   - When did he start thinking about what life and career would be like after finishing with rugby   - When and why Ben reached and end for his rugby career - Exploring the idea of the scholar-athlete   - How the new generat