Conscious Millionaire Epic Achiever

62: Epic Achiever: Michael O'Brien: Stop Bad Moments from Turning into "Bad Days"



Click here ( for your Profit Breakthrough Session from Cogent Analytics or call/text Andrew (770) 713-3333 Welcome to Conscious Millionaire Epic Achiever Podcast, with your Host, Marcus Aurelius Anderson... Michael O'Brien: Stop Bad Moments from Turning into "Bad Days" Michael O'Brien is the Chief Shift Officer at Peloton Coaching and Consulting. He elevates successful corporate leaders by preventing bad moments from turning into bad days. His award-winning, best-selling memoir Shift: Creating Better Tomorrows chronicles his Last Bad Day and near-death cycling accident recovery journey." SUBSCRIBE IN ITUNES And, download your free gift today... Get the High Performer Formula to Make Millions – Click Here! Please help spread the word. Subscribing and leaving a review helps other entrepreneurs and business owners find our podcast…and turn their big impact into their First Million. They will thank you for it. Conscious Millionaire Epic Achiever Podcast is an entrepreneurial, bus