Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged Podcast

Episode 17: How Your Emotions Affect Your Body



Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged Podcast is the place you can listen to and discuss emotional and mental health. I, Natasha Vaswani, coach/counselor and emotional and wellness therapist walk you through topics that add to our universal growth. As promised to you during my last episode, today I will discuss how exactly our emotions affect our bodiesYou might think that I am just uttering some nonsense, however I am here to guide you with valuable knowledge based on various medical and holistic therapies I must mention how much Dr Mona Lisa Schulz has taught me when it comes to the mind-body connection and the significance of our emotional wellbeing; hence if you wish to research more on this topic I highly recommend her book, Heal Your Mind, Your Prescription for Wholeness Through Medicine, Affirmations, and Intuition, by Louise Hay and Dr. Mona Lisa SchulzSo I will explain it to you in simple terms so that it is easy to understand and retain. Let’s first divide the brain into two parts, the right-side of the br