Mind Revolution

Turning Inward to Move Through Your Stuck Places



We’ve talked about pattern interrupts before. It’s a tool we use in NLP to get out of neural ruts, to break out of those processes that we run automatically that aren’t serving us.  A pattern interrupt is a powerful tool for retraining your unconscious mind.  In these days of hunkering at home while we wait out this virus, the universe has basically given us a big ‘ol pattern interrupt! (See my optimistic side coming out here?) Many of us have noticed some less-than-desirable things that, in our normal day-to-day routine, we were blinded to.  Hello, opportunity!  You may be seeing areas in your life where you seem to be stuck. They might be unhealthy habits or thought patterns or just that sense that you know something valuable is missing. You’re seeing, perhaps more than ever, that you’re not living your best life.  How do you know if you’re stuck? Check your…. EMOTIONS. Are you feeling good? Where is your focus? Does what you’re focusing on feel good?   BELIEFS. Identify beliefs that don’t serve you. Remem