G2voice Broadcast

#184 – G2Church Sacramental Testimonials from India with Dr. Susan Raj and in Uganda from Bob, the Plumber! 3-22-20



This week we are talking with Dr. Raj in India about what she has been doing. And we will be talking to Bob the plumber about what he has to offer. God bless everyoneBob the Plumber+1-865-654-7147This weeks newsletter: https://g2churchnews.org/579-g2voice-184Imagine, A World Without DIS-EASE Volume Two out! E-Book and Paper backhttps://g2churchbooks.org/Volume-Two-of-%E2%80%98Imagine-A-World-Without-DIS-EASE%E2%80%99-ebook-p169039425Share these links with friends and family…Free Partial E-Book (ENG, ESP)https://g2churchbooks.org/Free-partial-ebook-downloads-c31738998Genesis II Church Documentary (Subtitled in 10 languages): http://quantumleap.isGenesis II Church Newsletter Subscription: http://genesis2church.is/Sacraments: https://newg2sacraments.org/G2Voice Website: https://g2voice.is/G2Voice Video: www.brighteon.comTestimonies: www.mmstestimonials.co www.bitchute.comProtocol videos: G2Church www.bitchute.comMembership: https://officialg2churchmembership.org/Colombian Restoration Center!If anyone wants to co