My Veterinary Life

How Vets are Responding to Covid-19 pt 2



We have another special episode of the podcast today. We are joined by Dr. Melinda Merck. She has an incredible story of how she is responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Dr. Merck is a veterinarian who typically works in the area of Veterinary Forensics. Once she realized how COVID-19 was going to impact our communities, she stepped up and started looking for ways to help. She is currently working at a local grocery store and it is truly incredible how she is applying her veterinary skills for the benefit of those around her. She shares some incredible stories and insights and we are so grateful she was able to spend some time with us to share this journey. If you are interested in resources on COVID-19, please visit, where our team is working around the clock to keep these materials up to date. We will continue sharing these stories with you and hope that everyone is staying healthy and safe! Remember we want to hear from you! Please be sure to subscribe to our feed on Apple Podcasts and leave us a