Develop Great Managers Podcast

DGM 65: To Be a Great Manager - Be Just What You Is



As a manager, you need to lead others. To do this effectively, they must believe in the mission, vision, and challenges in front of them. They have to buy your story. They need to believe you. Some people think this means you have to be a cheerleader. You have to get up, turn on the energy and charm, and convince your team on what you need them to do.  This can work iff (if and only if) that is your normal style. If it is not, they will see right through it and will not be on board. They might say they are… but their hearts will not be in it. Instead, what you need to do is communicate in your own way. If you are deeply analytical, use this approach. If you are an introvert and prefer 1:1 conversations, do that. “Just Be What You Is” simply means be who you are!