The Betrayed, The Addicted, The Expert

What Details Do I Need to Know?



What impact do the right details have on a relationship?  What is the impact when the wrong details are shared?  How does one know which to share and which not to?  How does one know what is ok to ask for and what is not?  Listen as Brannon, Ashlynn and Coby address this emotionally charged topic.   LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR BUT DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START?  Get Started here... The Betrayed, The Addicted, and the Expert is a podcast that started out as an opportunity to open up the discussion of how to move forward after infidelity, or an affair. We discuss the heavy stuff and share Coby and Ashlynn's real-life experience of recovery after sex addiction and betrayal trauma. All this is done alongside an expert in sex addiction Brannon Patrick. Whether you are struggling with the super heavy stuff of broken trust in your relationship, or if you just want to improve your communication and create better connection, this podcast will give you so much of what you are looking for. Get Sta