Dare To Listen, The Podcast

Abandonment Wound with Vasumati Hancock



Today's conversation focuses on the complexities of the abandonment wound. Vasumati (Vasu) Hancock has spent 40 years understanding emotions and sexuality, working with individuals and couples. Her passion for clarity and the empowerment that comes through knowing ourselves is palpable. She's a therapist and tantra teacher with a great depth of wisdom.    Vasu defines the types of abandonment and how these wounds play out in our relationships. Within relationships we might see the duality of a dependant or an anti-dependant. How these two approaches translate in meeting our needs. How fear can be a doorway to deepen intimacy. Relationships can be the deep place of healing.   Editing this episode, I realized a truth. Society have abandoned marginalized communities. I include myself here. The lived Black, Indigenous, people of color, and LGBTQI experiences have not been acknowledged and given the needed care. I offer this framing so you can tune into the truth of this additional abandonment. Trevor Noah expand