
#94 - FRIDAY THE 13TH: THE ULTIMATE EDITION Blu-ray and more!



New Blu-ray and DVD releases are reviewed.Noted titles ...Poltergeist 2 (MGM)Manhunter (MGM)Hannibal (MGM)Robocop 2 (MGM)The Last House on the Left: Special Edition (MGM)And titles discussed at length...Friday the 13th: The Ultimate Collection (Paramount)The Sophia Loren Collection (Kino Loerber)Beauty and the Beast 5-disc Set 3D (Disney)The Lion King 4-disc Set 3D (Disney)Carolos (The Criterion Collection)Les Cousins (The Criterion Collection)Going Postal (NTI)Master of the World (MGM Limited Edition Collection)Trigun: Badlands Rumble (Funimation)Le Beau Serge (The Criterion Collection)Bridesmaids (Universal)Prohibition (PBS)Prom (Disney)The Revolutionary (MGM Limited Edition Collection)The Others (Lionsgate) Let us know what you think of the podcast! Send us an email at contact@post-movie.netLeave us a review on iTunes (because it's morally the right thing to do). Visit us online at post-movie.netet enjoy the show!
