
#90 - SCARFACE ('83), STRAW DOGS ('71) and more!



New Blu-ray and DVD releases are reviewed, including- 'Scarface: Limited Edition' (dir. Brian De Palma, 1983) on Blu-ray - 'Straw Dogs: The Unrated Version' (dir. Sam Peckinpah, 1971) on Blu-ray- 'Trainspotting' (dir. Danny Boyle, 1996) on Blu-ray- 'If....' (dir. Lindsay Anderson, 1969) on Blu-ray from The Criterion Collection- 'Disco Worms' (2011) on DVDOther valued concerns ... - Get on over to The Coolidge Corner Theater and see 'The Debit' starring Helen Mirren!- John tells of the strangeness that was 'Trainspotting: The Play' in Los Angeles- Susan George knows how to make an entrance in 'Straw Dogs'- Steve's resentment of Danny BoyleLet us know what you think of the podcast! Send us an email at contact@post-movie.netLeave us a review on iTunes (because it's morally the right thing to do).Visit us online at