



Can't say we didn't warn you. But then, we all know what to expect from Michael Bay, right? So John and I endured the mega-mechanical CGI onslaught of Transformers: Dark of the Moon. All 156 minutes of it. Do we really have to explain why this is such a giant chunk of Hasbro-mash, you might ask? Sure, the movie is critic proof, but it's our job. And we will not shy away from it. We might cower and squirm in pain.Beyond that, the energizing act of eviscerating a movie is fun, and Michael Bay is an easy target. This is a pretty much a giant turkey shoot.We did however enjoy Larry Crowne, which Tom Hanks wrote, produced, directed and stars in. It's a wonderful character-driven film, with Julia Roberts delivering her best performance in years. Do see it.For our picks of the week, John says White Lightnin', starring Edward Hogg and Carrie Fisher, is worth a look. And we both agree the Criterion Collection's release of Kiss Me Deadly (1955) is truly a must see.We recorded this episode outdoors, sitting on a bench i