Stuff I Found Out Today On The Internet

Stuff I Found out today on the Internet 13



sometimes product description may sound confusing or fall under the “they wouldn't  do that” category, because let's face it, a company wouldn't do that. well this company did. if anyone has ever played cards against humanity, they know the card game isn't for the easily offended or sensitive kind. and the company rolled with that. cards against humanity, did a special black friday deal, where they would let you get your hands on a extremely limited edition box of bullshit for a low low price of 6 dollars. 30,000 boxes were sold with literally what they said, bullshit. 30,000 people got bullshit in a box. cue the jokes and songs. how many of us have used wikipedia for this or that, or even to do a complete collegue class. one thing i found very interesting about wikipedia is that they have a project called wikipedia zero. what it comes down to, is a massive online encyclopedia, just like regular wikipedia, but available to the people that live in areas where internet might not be available so they depend heav