Stuff I Found Out Today On The Internet

Stuff I Found out today on the Internet 12



almonds, who doesn't like them, unless you eat a lot of them and then your jaw starts hurting from too much chewing. Me and a whole lot of people believe that almonds are a nut, since they are part of mixed nuts packaging. Turns out almonds comes from a tree also called almond, and this is not in the nut family. Almonds are the seed of the drupe. The drupe is the fruit that comes from the almond tree and its seed is what we eat. Who remembers barney and friends? I think I saw it a few times when I was learning english. This tv series designed for children between ages 1-8. Although we all think barney is a good guy, some people, including scholars at yale university don't share the same opinion. They believe that barney might be a contributing factor to the perceived sense of entitlement in the millennial generation. Let me quote one criticism: "his shows do not assist children in learning to deal with negative feelings and emotions. As one commentator puts it, the real danger from barney is 'denial: the refu