Stuff I Found Out Today On The Internet

Stuff I Found out today on the Internet 09



emoji, we all use them to say we are making this or that face to our friends, or even to make them believe we are laughing when we are not. This time we will have a mass production of emojis. At a near 7 figure bid, sony entertainment won a bidding war between other 2 other studios to make this movie. this is a first for this segment, because this is scheduled to be released in 2019. No cast has been released on IMDB because it's  still a well kept secret. i wonder how that meeting went. did sony ceo get a really funny one earlier that day and once this showed up he said, we have to do it? good lord. REDOhow do you feel about having a goat as part of the defense of your country??? well london thinks it's a great idea, William “billy” Windsor I is the name of their cashmere goat that once served in the british army, as a lance corporal in the first battalion, the royal welsh. during his service, billy got demoted, if you can imagine that, for 3 months in 2006, billy was brought down to a fusilier, after he tri