Stuff I Found Out Today On The Internet

Stuff I Found out today on the Internet 07



this might not be new news to you since it happens almost everyday, but a man’s ultimate love for cars can only described by marriage. if you ever heard your somewhat crazy uncle say, “ i love this car so much, i would marry it!” dont brush it off as he’s just crazy, he might just run with that, like this guy in knoxville tennessee did. Buster Mitchell, could not live without the V8, 281 cu in engine, 215 ponies and 5 speed tranny, so he attempted to make it official. he had everything figured out, wrote down birthplace of his fiancee as Detroit, father as henry ford, and even blood type, as 10w-40. just like kim davis did, he was denied this sacred marriage, but he will continue to try this union.And since we're on the topic let me give you a 13 objects people have tried to get married to train, the Berlin Wall, video game character, roller coaster, Eiffel Tower, a tree, a Barbie doll creepy, a picture of himself, & I book, sex doll, a radio, a pet rock, and a pillow, lets hope that pillow wears a pillow