Rec Scale Up Podcast

Ep 24: Leadership in a time of change ft Susan Clews of Acas



"Change will have to happen in a lot of companies and focusing on the wellbeing of your people as they go through that change is important." As businesses gear up to navigate change, the impact of that will be significant on employees. As a business leader, how can you prepare for this transformation and ensure you are seen to be doing the right thing during a crisis? We were joined by Susan Clews from workplace experts Acas to share her advice and guidance for businesses around: • Refining your leadership style for change • Managing staff feedback and engagement • Building and maintaining trust while working remotely • Looking after your employee's wellbeing throughout the transformation • Advice on navigating difficult territory in the upcoming months For up-to-the-minute COVID-19 updates and practical guidance, visit our COVID-19 hub at For advice on a range of workplace issues from redundancies to mental health, visit Acas at or get in touch with their advisors