Beyond The Mood Board

76: Leave Fear-Based Messaging Behind



As we’ve been living through COVID-19, it’s been fascinating to examine the messaging behind mask wearing, quarantine orders, and re-opening the country. While, on the surface it may seem like public health messaging is drastically different from the approach small businesses take, there is a connection. That’s the use of fear tactics.  On this episode I’m sharing why I believe using fear in your messaging and marketing is ineffective and how it may backfire on you. More specifically, I cover: How my background in health communication informs my work today, Case studies of campaigns that centered on fear tactics, Whether scarcity tactics are good to use in your messaging, and  The emotions that will build connection and trust more effectively than fear. In light of recent events, I've updated this episode to address what fear has to do with allyship and dismantling white supremacy. I mention helpful resources to educate and engage in the work and why claiming fear isn't enough to keep us, as white people, f