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http://whogottheaux.com Welcome back to WGTA!! Subscribe, leave a comment and Rate!! Check out our interview on SD Voyager!!http://sdvoyager.com/interview/meet-jullian-scott-jylon-mckee-jeremy-cortez-whogottheaux-kearny-mesa/What's good what's good. Who all want to live in Akon City? It seems he has secured $6 Billion to develop his city. Happy Juneteenth! and Happy Father's Day! DL Hughley had 0 symptoms but is passing out was due to the corona virus? NCAA are banning championships being played in states waving the confederate flag. Ford Bronco wised up and changed their release date. It also could've been for publicity. J Cole vs NoName?Hope you enjoyed this episode and again don't forget to subscribe to receive notifications on new episodes and give us a rating to help build the show. Also leave a comment with song suggestions or anything you want.