The Art Of Catholic With Matthew Leonard

051: Clearing Up the Crusades



We've all heard it before - "The Catholic Church is all about violence and power. Just look at the Crusades! They're a perfect example!" The problem (for critics of the Church) is that idea is horse-hockey. That said, most of us have little-to-no understanding of the true heart of the Crusades...which is a complete shame. Because the fact is, the reason and rationale for what Pope Urban II began a thousand years ago is way deeper and more spiritual than what most people ever imagine. So to enlighten us all, I brought in Dr. Andrew Jones, an expert on the High Middle Ages. We're going to dive into the incredible history and backstory of the Crusades that no one ever talks about. We're going to uncover what the Crusades were really about. Among other things, in this episode we'll explore: Why the crusaders actually did it (when it cost most their fortunes, not to mention their lives) The deep connection between monasticism and the Crusades The little understood connection between Islam and the development of th