Coffee Break German

CBG 1:40 | Mein Deutsch hat sich sehr verbessert!



In the final episode of this series of Coffee Break German, Mark reflects on his visit to Innsbruck and Thomas helps him talk more about things in the past in German. In this lesson you will:learn how to use the perfect tense combining the auxiliary verb haben with the past participle;find out about the perfect tense uses the auxiliary verb sein with certain verbs;learn about the simple past tense of the verb seen to talk about the past;practise different conversational structures.This season of Coffee Break German features a total of 40 episodes. Stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and phrases are written, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break German on the Coffee Break Academy.Don't forget to follow Coffee Break German on Facebook where we post language activities, cultural points
