Love Is Medicine

112: How To Live A More Compassionate Life w/ Dr. Steven Stosny



Negative emotional habits can impact the way in which you see the world, experience relationships, and express yourself. While it may be something you or your partner is subconsciously adopting, it can have a serious impact on your ability to solve issues and cope with stress.  This is why I have asked Dr. Steven Stosny to share with us his research in the power of compassion and emotional habits. An author of several books including How To Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It and Love Without Hurt, Dr. Stosny is an expert in using the most profound part of your brain so that you can understand your stress and work to develop compassion as the cornerstone of your emotional blueprint.  Compassion gives you the endorphins you need to stop feeding off of anger and start understanding the negative reactivity in your relationships. Instead of letting your ‘toddler brain’ win by using blame, denial, or avoidance, Dr. Stosny is here to provide you with ways that you can improve, appreciate, connect or prot