Ignite Visibility University

Big Drama Around TikTok And Instagram Reels - Ignite Friday



So much drama in digital! This week: Instagram Reels launches worldwide, the future is looking bright for Pinterest, and Google says to forget everything you know about link juice.  Sign up for the webinar here https://go.ignitevisibility.com/pilla... Here’s what happened this week in digital marketing.   Google Expands Lead Forms to YouTube & Discovery Campaigns Now, you can use lead form extensions in YouTube and Discovery ad campaigns. Additionally, Google now offers more field options. You can ask for city, state, country, and business info in addition to name, email, phone number, and zip. But wait. There’s more. Google lets you add questions to your form based on your vertical. For example, if you’re in the real estate industry, you can ask: “What type of property are you looking for?”  Bottom line: Google is making it easier for you to qualify leads.