Sbs Estonian - Sbsi Eestikeelne Raadiosaade

Settlement Guide: Australia's First Peoples - Austraalia esimeste rahvaste ajalugu



Australia's First Peoples are the world's oldest living civilization dating back some 50,000 years according to a recent genetic study by an international team of academics.  Yet, many Australians know little about the history of our First Peoples.  The 2014 Australian Reconciliation Barometer shows only 30 per cent of Australians consider themselves knowledgeable of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories. Indigenous Australians are people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent, together they form three per cent of the national population, based on the 2011 Census.  The 1788 European settlement resulted in a series of discriminatory policies against the traditional owners of the land with devastating effects on their civil rights and the survival of traditions, culture and languages.   - Austraalia esimesed inimesed on maailma vanim elav tsivilisatsioon ning neid võib rahvusvaheliste akadeemikute uurimise põhjal pidada 50 000 aastat vanaks tsivilisatsiooniks.  Hoolimata sellest
