Lean Blog Interviews

Paul Plsek, Lean & Innovation at Virginia Mason



Joining me today for Episode #204 is Paul Plsek (@PaulPlsek) and we're talking about his excellent book (a Shingo Research Award recipient this year) titled Accelerating Health Care Transformation with Lean and Innovation: The Virginia Mason Experience. Virginia Mason, of course, is Virginia Mason Medical Center, the outstanding Lean organization that was named "Hospital of the Decade" by Leapfrog Group. In our discussion, we touch on topics including how you can be Lean AND innovative, how an organization and people can LEARN to be innovative, and what is the health system board's role in this innovation and improvement strategy? I think you'll enjoy the discussion (and the book!). You can learn more about Paul, his book, and his work at his website: www.directedcreativity.com. For a link to this episode, refer people to www.leanblog.org/204. For earlier episodes of the Lean Blog Podcast, visit the main Podcast page at www.leanpodcast.org, which includes information on how to subscribe via RSS or via Apple i
