Recitation Of Holy Quran With Urdu Translation

82. Sura al-Infitar with Urdu Translation



Sura 82. al-Infitar (the Cleaving asunder): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. When (all) the heavenly spheres will be split apart, 2. And when the planets will fall and scatter, 3. And when oceans (and rivers) will flood and overflow, 4. And when graves will be overturned, 5. Then everyone will come to know what actions he sent forward and what he left behind. 6. O man! What has deluded you concerning your Gracious Lord, 7. (The One) Who created you (from a fertiled ovum in the mother’s womb), then (to structure your limbs at the fetal stage) He shaped you aright, then brought about proportionate alteration in your constitution? 8. He constituted you in whatever form He willed. 9. That is the Truth (but) on the contrary you deny the Day of Recompense, 10. Whereas there are guardian angels appointed over you, 11. (Who are) dignified, the scribes (writing the records of all your deeds). 12. They know (all) those (actions) which you do. 13. Indeed, the truly g