Recitation Of Holy Quran With Urdu Translation

94. Sura ash-Sharh with Urdu Translation



Sura 94. ash-Sharh (the Opening up): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. Have We not broadened your breast for you (for the light of knowledge, wisdom and spiritual gnosis)? 2. And We have taken off the load (of grief of the Umma (Community)) from you, 3. (The load) which was growing heavier on your (holy) back. 4. And We exalted for you your remembrance (by annexing it to Ours everywhere in the world and in the Hereafter). 5. So surely ease (comes) with every hardship. 6. Verily, with (this) hardship (too) there is ease. 7. So when you are free (from educating the Umma (Community), preaching Din (Religion) and fighting, and fulfilling your responsibilities) then strive hard (in remembrance and worship of your Lord), 8. And turn to your Lord earnestly.