Love Is Medicine

120: HeartMath w/ Dr. Rollin McCraty



Do you ever wake up feeling a sense of anxiety or grief, but have no personal reason to feel that way? As it turns out, we are all connected on a global scale of synchronization through a global information field. Dr. Rollin McCraty has spent his life studying the connection between the heart, mind, body, and energetic fields and is here today to share the results of his research with you. Key Takeaways If you are looking to better understand the resident frequencies of the global coherence, you must: Understand how the heart communicates with the brain, body, and people around you Accept that globally we are synchronized to each other and the earth  Find energy through magnetic fields and feed the field with positivity and compassion Gaining Clarity On The Heart’s Coherence with Dr. Rollin McCraty Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. is the research director at the HeartMath Institute and a Florida Atlantic University professor. Dr. McCraty is a psychophysiologist who studies the physiology of emotion. Focused on the mec